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36 Questions Headteachers Should Ask Parents to Improve Parental Engagement in UK Schools

Parental engagement, when used effectively can play a really positive role in a child's academic success and teachers play a key role in fostering a strong partnership with parents. Here are 36 questions that teachers can ask parents to enhance parental engagement:

Introduction and Understanding:

1. What are your expectations for your child's education this year?
2. Can you share some information about your child's interests and strengths outside of school?

Communication Preferences:

3. How would you prefer to receive communication about your child's progress (email, phone calls, in-person meetings)?

4. Are there specific times that are more convenient for you to discuss your child's academic performance?

Homework and Study Environment:

5. What does the homework routine look like in your home?

6. Is there a specific study environment that works best for your child?

Supporting Learning at Home:

7. How can we work together to support your child's learning at home?

8. Are there any specific resources or strategies you find effective in helping your child with schoolwork?

Goals and Aspirations:

9. What are your academic and personal goals for your child this school year?

10. How can we align our efforts to help your child achieve these goals?

Feedback and Concerns:

11. How would you like to receive feedback about your child's progress, and how often?

12. Are there any concerns or challenges you would like to discuss regarding your child's learning?

Involvement in School Activities:

13. Are you interested in participating in any school activities or events?

14. How can we encourage your involvement in your child's school life?

Understanding Classroom Dynamics:

15. What strategies have you found effective in supporting your child's social and emotional development?

16. Is there anything specific happening in the classroom that you would like more information about?

Learning Style and Preferences:

17. How does your child best learn new concepts (visual, auditory, hands-on)?

18.Are there specific teaching methods or approaches that you believe work well for your child?

Parental Involvement in Learning:

19. What role would you like to play in your child's learning journey?

20. How can we collaborate to reinforce learning both in and out of the classroom?

Utilising Technology:

21. Are you comfortable with the technology used in the classroom, and do you have any suggestions for improvement?

22. How can we integrate technology to enhance your child's learning experience?

Setting Academic Expectations:

23. How do you define academic success for your child?

24. Are there specific challenges or areas where you would like extra support for your child?

Cultural Considerations:

25. Are there cultural or family traditions that we should be aware of in order to better support your child?

26. How can we incorporate cultural sensitivity into the learning environment?

Promoting a Growth Mindset:

27. How can we work together to foster a growth mindset in your child?

28. Are there specific strategies you use at home to encourage resilience and perseverance?

Transition Support:

29. Is there anything specific your child needs support with during transitions (e.g., moving into a new school year for example)?

30. How can we make the transition process smoother for your child?

Health and Wellbeing:

31. Are there any health considerations or concerns that we should be aware of?

32. How can we support your child's overall wellbeing, both academically and emotionally?

Celebrating Achievements:

33. How would you like us to acknowledge and celebrate your child's achievements, both big and small?

34. Are there specific recognition methods that resonate with your family?

Future Planning:

35.What are your long-term educational aspirations for your child?

36. How can we collaborate to help your child reach their future academic and career goals?

These questions can serve as a starting point for meaningful conversations between teachers and parents, fostering a strong partnership focused on the success and well-being of the student.

If you'd like to learn more about important topics such as this then please do come along to the SAAShow in London on the 1st May. You can find out more information here: or register by clicking on the banner below.

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