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Six Tips to Improve Cyber Security for Schools

Put simply, effective cyber security for schools, academies and trusts is essential as figures suggest 52% of primary and 71% of secondary schools experienced an attack in the past year alone.

No school in today’s digital world can afford to ignore cyber security and the associated IT issues of MFA, passwords and security, software updates, threats and cloud data.

Be proactive, be aware, be informed and be in line with the Department for Education cyber security standards.

Start ensuring your school is up to standard today by downloading claireLOGIC’s 6 essential cyber security tips for schools.

Follow this link and subscribe and they’ll automatically send you their latest cyber solutions based tips.

WEEK 2 (27)

claireLOGIC has exhibited at the SAAS both in 2023 and 2024 and are a Managed IT Service provider.

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