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Developing and Delivering Effective and Empowering SEND Provision

Tune in to this recording of the SAAS Session, "Developing and Delivering Effective and Empowering SEND Provision", which took place at the Schools & Academies Show Birmingham on 20th November 2024.

This discussion focused on key topics such as:

๐Ÿ“ How to determine the needs of SEND pupils, to identify tailored approaches for teaching that ensure every pupil has equal access to the curriculum and enable better pupil outcomes

๐Ÿ“ Breaking down silos to help share knowledge between staff to produce high quality teaching and all-encompassing support for SEND pupils to improve their educational experience.

๐Ÿ“ How to translate your policy into a year-round plan that ensures provision is delivered consistently, and ensures whole-school engagement

๐Ÿ“ Understanding how to evaluate the success of your SEND policy and innovate to continually meet the changing needs of pupils

Panelists include:

  • Gaelle Sullivan, Director of Research and Inclusion, Inclusion and Equity Leadership Association (BSA Group)

  • Vanessa Danz, Head of Specialist Education, Cavendish Education

  • Michelle Catterson, Headteacher, Moon Hall School and Chair, British Dyslexia Association

  • Tanya Moran, Principal, Abingdon House School

  • Chair: Dr Katharine Sharpe, Assistant Head (Pastoral) & Head of Learning Support, Caterham Prep School; Chartered Educational Psychologist; IAPS SEND Advisor

Check out the session for free here! ๐Ÿ‘‡


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