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What Have We Learnt from Our Winter of Discontent?

Schools & Academies Show London 2023 
Business & Finance Theatre | What Have We Learnt from Our Winter of Discontent?

Our expert panel joined the Business & Finance Theatre at the Schools & Academies Show London to discuss the lessons learnt across the sector following the impact of the pandemic. In light of the prevailing financial challenges, budget cuts and escalating energy costs, the discussion focused on how SBLs can overcome these obstacles and drive financial efficiencies across their organisation.

The panel focused on the following points:

  • How SBLs can learn for the experiences of the previous 6 months  
  • Challenging circumstances can be learning opportunities
  • Finding the light at the end of the tunnel, SBLs and overcoming financial difficulties  

Panel speakers:

  • Debbie Clinton, Former CEO Academy Transformation Trust, Education Leadership Expert
  • Claire Brand, School Business Manager, South Somerset Partnership School
  • Stephen Morales, Chief Executive, Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL)
  • Stephen Mitchell, CEO, Keystone Knowledge
  • Simon Oxenham, Director of Resources, Southend High School

You can tune into the session on-demand below and listen at your convenience!


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